Deptford Oral Surgeons
An oral surgeon has the education and the certifications to handle various aspects of oral surgery, including pain management. Although there are minor issues that a dentist can handle, there are certain instances when you should reach out directly to an oral surgeon.
Lanzi Burke Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons handles a variety of oral problems. Our Deptford oral surgeons will use the most advanced technology and techniques available to restore your smile and confidence and remedy your issue.
Our certified oral surgeons can perform a variety of procedures, including the following:
- Dental implants: We can replace missing teeth with quality dental implants that look and feel just like natural teeth. With a stable foundation, our dental implants make for an ideal, natural-looking replacement. Our dental implants are safely placed with titanium screws that effectively heal with bone tissue. We also offer the revolutionary Teeth in a Day procedure in which you would receive your new implants in just one visit.
- Jaw and facial surgeries: If you are struggling with an oral or maxillofacial problem from a birth defect or an accident, our Deptford oral surgeons can reshape your jaw and improve both your bite and appearance. Also known as orthognathic surgery, this is a corrective procedure that can help you improve speech problems, chew food more easily, and address other symptoms of jaw irregularities.
- Wisdom tooth removal: It is natural to worry about the potential pain of having problematic wisdom teeth removed. However, if a wisdom tooth takes up space in your mouth, it can cause overcrowding, cysts, or even gum disease. We have successfully removed wisdom teeth for many patients, and we can extract your teeth with as little discomfort as possible.
- Sleep apnea: When you suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, surgery could correct this problem.
- TMJ surgery: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is complex. When it is healthy, the TMJ allows a person to eat, talk, and swallow without feeling any pain or discomfort. When the TMJ becomes diseased or damaged, any movement can be extremely painful and even debilitating. In some cases, surgery could correct this problem, allowing you to live pain-free.
If you experience any of these situations, you should immediately reach out to an oral surgeon to determine the extent of your situation and find out what treatment is right for you.
When Should You See a Deptford Oral Surgeon?
An oral issue might cause swelling, pain, or infection. If you are experiencing any of these types of symptoms, it is time to schedule an appointment with an oral surgeon. They will diagnose the problem and provide you with treatment options.
Although there are procedures that both a dentist and an oral surgeon can perform, an oral surgeon has additional training and is capable of correcting other issues. An oral surgeon also has more experience when it comes to pain management.
Deptford Oral Surgeons at Lanzi Burke Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Will Help You Maintain Your Oral Health
If you are experiencing a chronic oral problem and need help, one of our experienced Deptford oral surgeons at Lanzi Burke Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons can help. Call us at 856-582-4222 or contact us online to schedule an appointment with us today. With offices in Washington Township, Haddonfield, and Woolwich Township, New Jersey, we are dedicated to helping patients across South Jersey.