Surgical Instructions

Please click below regarding your specific surgical procedure.

South Jersey Oral Surgery - General Sedation

Before General Anesthesia or IV Sedation

  • You may not have anything to eat or drink (including water) for eight (8) hours prior to the appointment.
  • No smoking at least 12 hours before surgery. However, it is ideal to stop smoking altogether.
  • A responsible adult must accompany the patient to the office, remain in the office during the procedure, and drive the patient home.
  • The patient should not drive a vehicle or operate any machinery for 24 hours following the anesthesia experience.
  • Please wear loose fitting clothing with sleeves which can be rolled up past the elbow, and low-heeled shoes that are closed toe (no flip-flops or sandals).
  • Contact lenses, jewelry, and dentures must be removed at the time of surgery.
  • Do not wear lipstick, excessive makeup, or nail polish on the day of surgery.
  • If you have an illness such as a cold, sore throat, stomach or bowel disturbance, please notify the office.
  • If you take routine oral medications, please contact the prescribing physician, primary care physician, or check with our office and doctors prior to your surgical date for instructions.

Now that your oral surgery is completed, follow these procedures to make yourself more comfortable, promote healing, and help prevent complications.

AFTER SURGERY: You will have gauze in place after your surgery; it should remain in your mouth for 20-30 minutes. Maintain pressure by gently biting on the gauze. Replace until bleeding subsides, this may take a few hours. It will ooze for about 24 hours, but you do not need to keep the gauze in for that entire time.

EXPECT OOZING: A small amount of bleeding or oozing is normal. If bleeding continues after you have removed the gauze, apply new damp gauze to the surgical site and bite down gently for 20 minutes. Repeat if necessary. If bleeding persists, bite on a moistened tea bag for twenty minutes. If bleeding still persists, call the office to speak with the doctor.

ICE: Apply an ice bag to your cheek or jaw 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for 24 to 48 hours.

FIRST 24 HOURS: Place ice chips, crushed ice, or ice cream to melt in your mouth. This thins out saliva, keeps the surgery site cold, and helps reduce swelling.

DIET: You may start eating as soon as you get home. First remove the gauze packing. For the first 24 hours have cold food and drinks (ice cream, yogurt, pudding, etc.). Stay on soft foods for a few days; then gradually progress to solid foods. A balanced diet is very important for healing.

AVOID: Drinking through a straw, spitting, vigorous rinsing, brushing, or smoking. These could possibly delay healing. Avoid contact with sick persons, as you are more susceptible to contracting a viral infection.

NAUSEA: Take 1 ounce of carbonated drink, such as ginger ale every hour for 5-6 hours. Then drink mild tea, clear broth, and soft foods before resuming your regular diet. Any pain medication may cause nausea and vomiting. It is important to have food in your stomach before taking pain medication. If prescribed nausea medication; take as directed. Call the office if nausea persists.

SWELLING: After 48 hours, if there is swelling or jaw stiffness, apply heat to the outside of your face using a warm, moist dressing. Do not use heat continuously- only 20 minutes out of every hour. Swelling peaks on the third day after surgery and should subside during the day. When you lie down, keep your head on two pillows- this will help reduce swelling.

24 HOURS AFTER SURGERY: Dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of warm tap water. Allow water to remain in your mouth, but do not rinse vigorously because this may dislodge the blood clot and possibly delay healing. Rinsing flushes away food particles, which may be lodged around the surgery site. A toothbrush may be carefully used in areas of the mouth not involved in the surgery. A clean mouth heals faster. Continue rinsing after meals for 6-7 days.

SUTURES: If sutures have been placed, they will dissolve in 5-10 days. Occasionally, they will need to be removed by the doctor.

PAIN: Following oral surgery it is normal to experience some discomfort. If moderate to severe discomfort is anticipated the physician will prescribe pain medication. Take the medication as directed-avoid driving or the use of alcoholic beverages while taking pain medication. Do not hesitate to take pain medication if it is needed. It will help to make you more comfortable during the healing process.

ACTIVITY: If you had general anesthesia, there should be no coordinated activities, such as driving (or excessive physical activity) for 24 hours. Rest as much as possible.

TEMPERATURE ELEVATION: It is common to have a mild fever up to 24 hours post-operatively. Fluids and rest will resolve this.

STIFF JAW: Chew gum at intervals, especially while applying moist heat on jaw. This helps relax tension and brings relief. This can be started 48 hours after surgery.

SHARP BONY EDGES: If you feel something hard at the surgical site, you may think it is part of the tooth. This is the hard bony wall, which originally supported the tooth. Leave it alone and it will heal nicely. Persistent sharp edges may require trimming.

FLUID INTAKE IS IMPORTANT: Clear beverages, ginger ale, Seven-up, or Sprite, water, clear broth, soups, or juices are all suitable. Avoid hot liquids until the numbness has worn off, and the tingling has stopped. Drink plenty of fluids.

MEDICATION: Take any special medication we have prescribed on the special dosing schedule. Yogurt with active cultures or acidophilus should be taken while on antibiotics to prevent diarrhea. It is important to take the antibiotics to completion. If you are given antibiotics and take birth control pills, you should be aware that the birth control may become ineffective, therefore take appropriate precautions. Please call during office hours with any pain medication requests. New federal regulations do not allow narcotic pain medications to be filled by phone. All prescriptions must be picked up at the office.

BRUISING: Bruising marks may appear on the skin of the face during the first few days after surgery.

Now that your oral surgery is completed, follow these procedures to make yourself more comfortable, promote healing, and help prevent complications.

AFTER SURGERY: You may have gauze in place after your surgery; it should remain in your mouth for 20-30 minutes. Maintain pressure by gently biting on the gauze. Replace until bleeding subsides, this may take a few hours. It will ooze for about 24 hours, but you do not need to keep the gauze in for that entire time.

EXPECT OOZING: A small amount of bleeding or oozing is normal. If bleeding continues after you have removed the gauze, apply new damp gauze to the surgical site and bite down gently for 20 minutes. Repeat if necessary. If bleeding persists, bite on a moistened tea bag for twenty minutes. If bleeding still persists, call the office to speak with the doctor.

ICE: Apply an ice bag to the area 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for 24 to 48 hours.

FIRST 24 HOURS: Place ice chips, or ice cream to melt in your mouth. This thins out saliva, keeps the surgery site cold, and helps reduce swelling.

ORTHODONTIC BRACKET OR ANCHOR SCREW: An orthodontic bracket is cemented onto the exposed tooth. An anchor screw is placed in the jaw. This should remain in place; if it becomes loose contact our office.

PERIO-DRESSING: You may have a periodontal dressing that is pink in color. This is used to protect the site and also to prevent premature re-growth of tissue over the exposed site. This should remain in place for approximately one week. Call our office if it comes off earlier, it may or may not be replaced.

DIET: You may start eating as soon as you get home. First remove the gauze packing. For the first 24 hours have cold food and drinks (ice cream, yogurt, pudding, etc.). Stay on soft foods for a few days; then gradually progress to solid foods. A balanced diet is very important for healing.

AVOID: Drinking through a straw, spitting, vigorous rinsing, brushing, or smoking. These could possibly delay healing. Avoid contact with sick persons, as you are more susceptible to contracting a viral infection.

NAUSEA: Take 1 ounce of carbonated drink, such as ginger ale every hour for 5-6 hours. Then drink mild tea, clear broth, and soft foods before resuming your regular diet. Any pain medication may cause nausea and vomiting. It is important to have food in your stomach before taking pain medication. If prescribed nausea medication; take as directed. Call the office if nausea persists.

SWELLING: After 48 hours, if there is swelling or jaw stiffness, apply heat to the outside of your face using a warm, moist dressing. Do not use heat continuously- only 20 minutes out of every hour. Swelling peaks on the third day after surgery and should subside during the day.

24 HOURS AFTER SURGERY: Dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of warm tap water. Allow water to remain in your mouth, but do not rinse vigorously because this may dislodge the blood clot and possibly delay healing. Rinsing flushes away food particles, which may be lodged around the surgery site. A toothbrush may be carefully used in areas of the mouth not involved in the surgery. A clean mouth heals faster. Continue rinsing after meals for 6-7 days.

SUTURES: If sutures have been placed, they will dissolve in 5-10 days. Occasionally, they will need to be removed by the doctor.

PAIN: Following oral surgery it is normal to experience some discomfort. If moderate to severe discomfort is anticipated the physician will prescribe pain medication. Take the medication as directed-avoid driving or the use of alcoholic beverages while taking pain medication. Do not hesitate to take pain medication if it is needed. It will help to make you more comfortable during the healing process.

MEDICATION: Take any special medication we have prescribed on the special dosing schedule. Yogurt with active cultures or acidophilus should be taken while on antibiotics to prevent diarrhea. It is important to take the antibiotics to completion. If you are given antibiotics and take birth control pills, you should be aware that the birth control may become ineffective, therefore take appropriate precautions.

Please call during office hours with any pain medication requests. New federal regulations do not allow narcotic pain medications to be filled by phone. All prescriptions must be picked up at the office.

ACTIVITY: If you had general anesthesia, there should be no coordinated activities, such as driving (or excessive physical activity) for 24 hours. Rest as much as possible. When you lie down, keep your head on two pillows- this will help reduce swelling.

TEMPERATURE ELEVATION: It is common to have a mild fever up to 24 hours post-operatively. Fluids and rest will resolve this.

FLUID INTAKE IS IMPORTANT: Clear beverages, ginger ale, Seven-up, or Sprite, water, clear broth, soups, or juices are all suitable. Avoid hot liquids until the numbness has worn off, and the tingling has stopped. Drink plenty of fluids.

BRUISING: Bruising marks may appear on the skin of the face during the first few days after surgery.

For rapid healing, it is essential that the following directions be adhered to during the first two weeks post operatively.

AFTER SURGERY: You will have gauze in place after your surgery; it should remain in your mouth for 20-30 minutes. Maintain pressure by gently biting on the gauze. Replace until bleeding subsides, this may take a few hours. It will ooze for about 24 hours, but you do not need to keep the gauze in for that entire time.

EXPECT OOZING: A small amount of bleeding or oozing is normal. If bleeding continues after you have removed the gauze, apply new damp gauze to the surgical site and bite down gently for 20 minutes. Repeat if necessary. If bleeding persists, bite on a moistened tea bag for twenty minutes. If bleeding still persists, call the office to speak with the doctor.

ICE: Apply an ice bag to your cheek or jaw 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for 24 to 48 hours.

FIRST 24 HOURS: Place ice chips, crushed ice, or ice cream to melt in your mouth. This thins out saliva, keeps the surgery site cold, and helps reduce swelling.

DIET: You may start eating as soon as you get home. First remove the gauze packing. For the first 24 hours have cold food and drinks (ice cream, yogurt, pudding, etc.). Stay on soft foods for a few days; then gradually progress to solid foods. A balanced diet is very important for healing.

AVOID: Drinking through a straw, spitting, vigorous rinsing, brushing, or smoking. These could possibly delay healing. Avoid contact with sick persons, as you are more susceptible to contracting a viral infection.

NAUSEA: Take 1 ounce of carbonated drink, such as ginger ale every hour for 5-6 hours. Then drink mild tea, clear broth, and soft foods before resuming your regular diet. Any pain medication may cause nausea and vomiting. It is important to have food in your stomach before taking pain medication. If prescribed nausea medication; take as directed. Call the office if nausea persists.

SWELLING: After 48 hours, if there is swelling or jaw stiffness, apply heat to the outside of your face using a warm, moist dressing. Do not use heat continuously- only 20 minutes out of every hour. Swelling peaks on the third day after surgery and should subside during the day. When you lie down, keep your head on two pillows- this will help reduce swelling.

24 HOURS AFTER SURGERY: Dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of warm tap water. Allow water to remain in your mouth, but do not rinse vigorously because this may dislodge the blood clot and possibly delay healing. Rinsing flushes away food particles, which may be lodged around the surgery site. A toothbrush may be carefully used in areas of the mouth not involved in the surgery. A clean mouth heals faster. Continue rinsing after meals for 6-7 days.

SUTURES: If sutures have been placed, they will dissolve in 5-10 days. Occasionally, they will need to be removed by the doctor.

PAIN: Following oral surgery it is normal to experience some discomfort. If moderate to severe discomfort is anticipated the physician will prescribe pain medication. Take the medication as directed-avoid driving or the use of alcoholic beverages while taking pain medication. Do not hesitate to take pain medication if it is needed. It will help to make you more comfortable during the healing process.

ACTIVITY: If you had general anesthesia, there should be no coordinated activities, such as driving (or excessive physical activity) for 24 hours. Rest as much as possible.

TEMPERATURE ELEVATION: It is common to have a mild fever up to 24 hours post-operatively. Fluids and rest will resolve this.

STIFF JAW: Chew gum at intervals, especially while applying moist heat on jaw. This helps relax tension and brings relief. This can be started 48 hours after surgery.

SHARP BONY EDGES: If you feel something hard at the surgical site, you may think it is part of the tooth. This is the hard bony wall, which originally supported the tooth. Leave it alone and it will heal nicely. Persistent sharp edges may require trimming.

FLUID INTAKE IS IMPORTANT: Clear beverages, ginger ale, Seven-up, or Sprite, water, clear broth, soups, or juices are all suitable. Avoid hot liquids until the numbness has worn off, and the tingling has stopped. Drink plenty of fluids.

MEDICATION: Take any special medication we have prescribed on the special dosing schedule. Yogurt with active cultures or acidophilus should be taken while on antibiotics to prevent diarrhea. It is important to take the antibiotics to completion. If you are given antibiotics and take birth control pills, you should be aware that the birth control may become ineffective, therefore take appropriate precautions. Please call during office hours with any pain medication requests. New federal regulations do not allow narcotic pain medications to be filled by phone. All prescriptions must be picked up at the office.

BRUISING: Bruising marks may appear on the skin of the face during the first few days after surgery.

Now that your oral surgery is completed, follow these procedures after tooth extraction to make yourself more comfortable, promote healing, and help prevent complications.

AFTER SURGERY: You will have gauze in place after your surgery; it should remain in your mouth for 20-30 minutes. Maintain pressure by gently biting on the gauze. Replace until bleeding subsides, this may take a few hours. It will ooze for about 24 hours, but you do not need to keep the gauze in for that entire time.

EXPECT OOZING: A small amount of bleeding or oozing is normal. If bleeding continues after you have removed the gauze, apply new damp gauze to the surgical site and bite down gently for 20 minutes. Repeat if necessary. If bleeding persists, bite on a moistened tea bag for twenty minutes. If bleeding still persists, call the office to speak with the doctor.

ICE: Apply an ice bag to your cheek or jaw 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for 24 to 48 hours.

FIRST 24 HOURS: Place ice chips, crushed ice, or ice cream to melt in your mouth. This thins out saliva, keeps the surgery site cold, and helps reduce swelling.

DIET: You may start eating as soon as you get home after tooth extraction. First remove the gauze packing. For the first 24 hours have cold food and drinks (ice cream, yogurt, pudding, etc.). Stay on soft foods for a few days; then gradually progress to solid foods. A balanced diet is very important for healing.

AVOID: Drinking through a straw, spitting, vigorous rinsing, brushing, or smoking. These could possibly delay healing. Avoid contact with sick persons, as you are more susceptible to contracting a viral infection.

NAUSEA: Take 1 ounce of carbonated drink, such as ginger ale every hour for 5-6 hours. Then drink mild tea, clear broth, and soft foods before resuming your regular diet. Any pain medication may cause nausea and vomiting. It is important to have food in your stomach before taking pain medication. If prescribed nausea medication; take as directed. Call the office if nausea persists.

SWELLING: 48 hours after tooth extraction, if there is swelling or jaw stiffness, apply heat to the outside of your face using a warm, moist dressing. Do not use heat continuously- only 20 minutes out of every hour. Swelling peaks on the third day after surgery and should subside during the day. When you lie down, keep your head on two pillows- this will help reduce swelling.

24 HOURS AFTER SURGERY: Dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of warm tap water. Allow water to remain in your mouth, but do not rinse vigorously because this may dislodge the blood clot and possibly delay healing. Rinsing flushes away food particles, which may be lodged around the surgery site. A toothbrush may be carefully used in areas of the mouth not involved in the surgery. A clean mouth heals faster. Continue rinsing after meals for 6-7 days.

SUTURES: If sutures have been placed, they will dissolve in 5-10 days. Occasionally, they will need to be removed by the doctor.

PAIN: Following oral surgery it is normal to experience some discomfort. If moderate to severe discomfort is anticipated the physician will prescribe pain medication. Take the medication as directed-avoid driving or the use of alcoholic beverages while taking pain medication. Do not hesitate to take pain medication if it is needed. It will help to make you more comfortable during the healing process.

ACTIVITY: If you had general anesthesia, there should be no coordinated activities, such as driving (or excessive physical activity) for 24 hours. Rest as much as possible.

TEMPERATURE ELEVATION: It is common to have a mild fever up to 24 hours post-operatively. Fluids and rest will resolve this.

STIFF JAW: Chew gum at intervals, especially while applying moist heat on jaw. This helps relax tension and brings relief. This can be started 48 hours after surgery.

SHARP BONY EDGES: If you feel something hard at the surgical site, you may think it is part of the tooth. This is the hard bony wall, which originally supported the tooth. Leave it alone and it will heal nicely. Persistent sharp edges may require trimming.

FLUID INTAKE IS IMPORTANT: Clear beverages, ginger ale, Seven-up, or Sprite, water, clear broth, soups, or juices are all suitable. Avoid hot liquids until the numbness has worn off, and the tingling has stopped. Drink plenty of fluids.

MEDICATION: Take any special medication we have prescribed on the special dosing schedule. Yogurt with active cultures or acidophilus should be taken while on antibiotics to prevent diarrhea. It is important to take the antibiotics to completion. If you are given antibiotics and take birth control pills, you should be aware that the birth control may become ineffective, therefore take appropriate precautions.

Please call during office hours with any pain medication requests. New federal regulations do not allow narcotic pain medications to be filled by phone. All prescriptions must be picked up at the office.

BRUISING: Bruising marks may appear on the skin of the face during the first few days after after tooth extraction.

Now that your healing abutments are placed, follow these procedures to make yourself more comfortable, promote healing, and help prevent complications.

AFTER SURGERY: You will have gauze in place after your surgery; it should remain in your mouth for 20-30 minutes. Maintain pressure by gently biting on the gauze. Replace until bleeding subsides, this may take a few hours. It will ooze for about 24 hours, but you do not need to keep the gauze in for that entire time.

EXPECT OOZING: A small amount of bleeding or oozing is normal. If bleeding continues after you have removed the gauze, apply new damp gauze to the surgical site and bite down gently for 20 minutes.

ICE: Apply an ice bag to your cheek or jaw 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for 24 to 48 hours.

FIRST 24 HOURS: Place ice chips, crushed ice, or ice cream to melt in your mouth. This thins out saliva, keeps the surgery site cold, and helps reduce swelling.

DIET: You may start eating as soon as you get home. First remove the gauze packing. For the first 24 hours have cold food and drinks (ice cream, yogurt, pudding, etc.). Stay on soft foods for a few days; then gradually progress to solid foods. A balanced diet is very important for healing.

AVOID: Drinking through a straw, spitting, vigorous rinsing, brushing, or smoking. These could possibly delay healing. Avoid contact with sick persons, as you are more susceptible to contracting a viral infection.

SWELLING: You may have some swelling after the healing abutment has been placed. Keep dentures in the first 24 hours, take out and rinse, and then replace for another 24 hours. Follow up with your dentist as to have your final restoration done.

DENTURES: The wearing of dentures may jeopardize a successful healing process. Please see your dentist as soon as possible to have them refitted or relined for a correct fit.

HEALING CAPS: Contact your surgeon if healing cap appears loose.

24 HOURS AFTER SURGERY: Dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of warm tap water. Allow water to remain in your mouth, but do not rinse vigorously because this may dislodge the blood clot and possibly delay healing. Rinsing flushes away food particles, which may be lodged around the surgery site. A toothbrush may be carefully used in areas of the mouth not involved in the surgery. A clean mouth heals faster. Continue rinsing after meals for 6-7 days.

SUTURES: If sutures have been placed, they will dissolve in 5-10 days. Occasionally, they will need to be removed by the doctor.

PAIN: Following oral surgery it is normal to experience some discomfort. If moderate to severe discomfort is anticipated the physician will prescribe pain medication. Take the medication as directed-avoid driving or the use of alcoholic beverages while taking pain medication. Do not hesitate to take pain medication if it is needed. It will help to make you more comfortable during the healing process.

FLUID INTAKE IS IMPORTANT: Clear beverages, ginger ale, Seven-up, or Sprite, water, clear broth, soups, or juices are all suitable. Avoid hot liquids until the numbness has worn off, and the tingling has stopped. Drink plenty of fluids.

TEMPERATURE ELEVATION: It is common to have a mild fever up to 24 hours post-operatively. Fluids and rest will resolve this.

ACTIVITY: If you had general anesthesia, there should be no coordinated activities, such as driving (or excessive physical activity) for 24 hours. Rest as much as possible.

MEDICATION: Take any special medication we have prescribed on the special dosing schedule. Yogurt with active cultures or acidophilus should be taken while on antibiotics to prevent diarrhea. It is important to take the antibiotics to completion. If you are given antibiotics and take birth control pills, you should be aware that the birth control may become ineffective, therefore take appropriate precautions. Please call during office hours with any pain medication requests. New federal regulations do not allow narcotic pain medications to be filled by phone. All prescriptions must be picked up at the office.

Now that your oral surgery is completed, follow these procedures to make yourself more comfortable, promote healing, and help prevent complications.

SINUS PRECAUTIONS: It is very important that you DO NOT blow your nose for 1-2 weeks after surgery. You may blot your nose with a tissue and also use an over the counter nasal spray to keep the nasal passages moist. A decongestant, such as Sudafed, can also be used to keep the nasal passages clear. When sneezing, place fist under chin, and have mouth slightly open. Avoid anything that would cause added pressure to the sinus area.

AFTER SURGERY: You will have gauze in place after your surgery; it should remain in your mouth for 20-30 minutes. Maintain pressure by gently biting on the gauze. Replace until bleeding subsides, this may take a few hours. It will ooze for about 24 hours, but you do not need to keep the gauze in for that entire time.

EXPECT OOZING: A small amount of bleeding or oozing is normal. If bleeding continues after you have removed the gauze, apply new damp gauze to the surgical site and bite down gently for 20 minutes. Repeat if necessary. If bleeding persists, bite on a moistened tea bag for twenty minutes. If bleeding still persists, call the office to speak with the doctor.

ICE: Apply an ice bag to your cheek or jaw 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for 24 to 48 hours.

FIRST 24 HOURS: Place ice chips, crushed ice, or ice cream to melt in your mouth. This thins out saliva, keeps the surgery site cold, and helps reduce swelling.

DIET: You may start eating as soon as you get home. First remove the gauze packing. For the first 24 hours have cold food and drinks (ice cream, yogurt, pudding, etc.). Stay on soft foods for a few days; then gradually progress to solid foods. A balanced diet is very important for healing.

AVOID: Drinking through a straw, spitting, vigorous rinsing, brushing, or smoking. These could possibly delay healing. Avoid contact with sick persons, as you are more susceptible to contracting a viral infection.

NAUSEA: Take 1 ounce of carbonated drink, such as ginger ale every hour for 5-6 hours. Then drink mild tea, clear broth, and soft foods before resuming your regular diet. Any pain medication may cause nausea and vomiting. It is important to have food in your stomach before taking pain medication. If prescribed nausea medication; take as directed. Call the office if nausea persists.

SWELLING: After 48 hours, if there is swelling or jaw stiffness, apply heat to the outside of your face using a warm, moist dressing. Do not use heat continuously- only 20 minutes out of every hour. Swelling peaks on the third day after surgery and should subside during the day. When you lie down, keep your head on two pillows- this will help reduce swelling.

24 HOURS AFTER SURGERY: Dissolve ½ teaspoon of salt in an 8-ounce glass of warm tap water. Allow water to remain in your mouth, but do not rinse vigorously because this may dislodge the blood clot and possibly delay healing. Rinsing flushes away food particles, which may be lodged around the surgery site. A toothbrush may be carefully used in areas of the mouth not involved in the surgery. A clean mouth heals faster. Continue rinsing after meals for 6-7 days.

SUTURES: If sutures have been placed, they will dissolve in 5-10 days. Occasionally, they will need to be removed by the doctor.

PAIN: Following oral surgery it is normal to experience some discomfort. If moderate to severe discomfort is anticipated the physician will prescribe pain medication. Take the medication as directed-avoid driving or the use of alcoholic beverages while taking pain medication. Do not hesitate to take pain medication if it is needed. It will help to make you more comfortable during the healing process.

ACTIVITY: If you had general anesthesia, there should be no coordinated activities, such as driving (or excessive physical activity) for 24 hours. Rest as much as possible.

TEMPERATURE ELEVATION: It is common to have a mild fever up to 24 hours post-operatively. Fluids and rest will resolve this.

STIFF JAW: Chew gum at intervals, especially while applying moist heat on jaw. This helps relax tension and brings relief. This can be started 48 hours after surgery.

SHARP BONY EDGES: If you feel something hard at the surgical site, you may think it is part of the tooth. This is the hard bony wall, which originally supported the tooth. Leave it alone and it will heal nicely. Persistent sharp edges may require trimming.

FLUID INTAKE IS IMPORTANT: Clear beverages, ginger ale, Seven-up, or Sprite, water, clear broth, soups, or juices are all suitable. Avoid hot liquids until the numbness has worn off, and the tingling has stopped. Drink plenty of fluids.

MEDICATION: Take any special medication we have prescribed on the special dosing schedule. Yogurt with active cultures or acidophilus should be taken while on antibiotics to prevent diarrhea. It is important to take the antibiotics to completion. If you are given antibiotics and take birth control pills, you should be aware that the birth control may become ineffective, therefore take appropriate precautions. . Please call during office hours with any pain medication requests. New federal regulations do not allow narcotic pain medications to be filled by phone. All prescriptions must be picked up at the office.

BRUISING: Bruising marks may appear on the skin of the face during the first few days after surgery.

The following information applies when grafting material has been placed into extraction sites to build up your jawbone in preparation for implant replacement of extracted or missing teeth.

Your bone graft is made up of many particles. You may find some small granules in your mouth for the first several days. Do not be alarmed by these. It’s normal to have some of them come out of the graft site and into your mouth. There are some things you could do to optimize your healing:

AFTER SURGERY: You will have gauze in place after your surgery; it should remain in your mouth for 20-30 minutes. Maintain pressure by gently biting on the gauze. Replace until bleeding subsides, this may take a few hours. It will ooze for about 24 hours, but you do not need to keep the gauze in for that entire time.

PERIODONTAL DRESSING: Occasionally you may have a dressing placed over the extraction site. This appears like bubble gum or silly putty. Ideally, this dressing will remain in place until your follow up visit. Occasionally the dressing will come loose early. This is usually not a problem, but please call the office to let us know.

SUTURES: If sutures have been placed, they will dissolve in 5-10 days. Occasionally, they will need to be removed by the doctor.

ICE: Apply an ice bag to your cheek or jaw 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off for 24 to 48 hours.

ORAL HYGIENE: Keeping the area clean is a top priority to allow good healing. Using a soft tooth brush clean the area gently three times daily. Beginning the second day, rinse gently with the prescribed antibiotic mouth rinse but not too vigorously as you can disturb some of the bone graft. If a partial denture or a flipper was placed in your mouth, you may have to see your restorative dentist to have it adjusted and learn how to remove and replace it appropriately.

DIET: You may start eating as soon as you get home. First remove the gauze packing. For the first 24 hours have cold food and drinks (ice cream, yogurt, pudding, etc.). Stay on soft foods for a few days; then gradually progress to solid foods. A balanced diet is very important for healing.

AVOID: Drinking through a straw, spitting, vigorous rinsing, brushing, or smoking. These could possibly delay healing. Avoid contact with sick persons, as you are more susceptible to contracting a viral infection.

SWELLING: After 48 hours, if there is swelling or jaw stiffness, apply heat to the outside of your face using a warm, moist dressing. Do not use heat continuously- only 20 minutes out of every hour. Swelling peaks on the third day after surgery and should subside during the day. When you lie down, keep your head on two pillows- this will help reduce swelling.

PAIN: Following oral surgery it is normal to experience some discomfort. If moderate to severe discomfort is anticipated the physician will prescribe pain medication. Take the medication as directed-avoid driving or the use of alcoholic beverages while taking pain medication. Do not hesitate to take pain medication if it is needed. It will help to make you more comfortable during the healing process.

ACTIVITY: If you had general anesthesia, there should be no coordinated activities, such as driving (or excessive physical activity) for 24 hours. Rest as much as possible.

TEMPERATURE ELEVATION: It is common to have a mild fever up to 24 hours post-operatively. Fluids and rest will resolve this.

FLUID INTAKE IS IMPORTANT: Clear beverages, ginger ale, Seven-up, or Sprite, water, clear broth, soups, or juices are all suitable. Avoid hot liquids until the numbness has worn off, and the tingling has stopped. Drink plenty of fluids.

MEDICATION: Take any special medication we have prescribed on the special dosing schedule. Yogurt with active cultures or acidophilus should be taken while on antibiotics to prevent diarrhea. It is important to take the antibiotics to completion. If you are given antibiotics and take birth control pills, you should be aware that the birth control may become ineffective, therefore take appropriate precautions. Please call during office hours with any pain medication requests. New federal regulations do not allow narcotic pain medications to be filled by phone. All prescriptions must be picked up at the office.

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