Mickleton Oral Surgeons

oral surgeons

When a problem with the mouth or jaw cannot be addressed through routine treatment, patients will likely be advised to see an oral surgeon.

Some of the problems that need to be addressed by oral surgeons are missing teeth, wisdom teeth extraction, sleep apnea, and teeth grinding or bruxism requiring temporomandibular joint (TMJ) surgery. These common problems, which can create many other problems, all require a surgeon trained in the face and mouth.

The skilled and experienced team at Lanzi Burke Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons have an office in Mickleton to serve residents in Mickleton and surrounding communities who need to address the complex problems that can impact the mouth and face.

When searching for the best oral and maxillofacial surgeons, it is important to consider the reviews of patients. Besides thousands of positive patient reviews, the team at Lanzi & Burke Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons has served the Philadelphia Flyers hockey team for over 25 years.

Why Do I Need an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon?

There are several symptoms that may initially bring a patient to the dentist but require more than dental care. The dentist will then recommend the patient see an oral and maxillofacial surgeon.

Some of those problems are as follows:

Jaw surgeries: Sometimes people are born with an irregular bite; others may have jaw damage from an accident. Problems with the jaw can impact the way patients chew food, cause their teeth can become misaligned, cause difficulty with speech, and negatively impact their appearance.

Wisdom teeth removal:  Many people are concerned about wisdom teeth removal. However, it is often necessary to do so, as wisdom teeth can overcrowd the mouth and can cause cysts and gum disease. 

Sleep apnea: This may present itself as a problem for the loved ones of a patient with sleep apnea, as it usually is heard by others as snoring. But sleep apnea is serious and can be deadly. According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, approximately 38,000 people in the United States die each year of heart disease, with sleep apnea as a complicating factor. Sleep apnea means difficult breathing or not breathing for short periods while asleep. Although the American Heart Association estimates that one in five American adults have some degree of sleep apnea, the condition is often undiagnosed, which is even more unfortunate because it is treatable.

TMJ surgery: The TMJ is one of the most complicated joints in the body, and it allows people to talk, eat, and swallow without pain. But it can become diseased or damaged, making mouth movement painful. One cause of TMJ pain is grinding teeth, or bruxism, while asleep at night.  This is something that happens to many people and is often treated at first with a mouth guard or an oral splint to prevent grinding.

Teeth grinding is just one cause of TMJ pain. Sometimes the pain is caused by structural problems in the jaw or diseases. If confirmed by a magnetic resource imaging (MRI) scan, or when the problem is severe and conservative methods have not worked, doctors may recommend TMJ surgery.

Types of TMJ surgery include the following procedures:

  • Arthrocentesis: This means fluid being injected into the joint to wash it out and reduce inflammation, which, it is hoped, will reduce the pressure that made the joint stiff or painful and give the jaw more range of motion. Patients can usually go home the same day. Arthrocentesis is minimally invasive, and the success rate is high, with an average success rate of 80 percent, according to a 2012 study on the procedure.
  • Arthroscopy: Opening a small hole or a few small holes in the skin above the joint, or arthroscopy, is one type of TMJ surgery. This procedure allows the surgeon to help repair the joint in many ways, including scar tissue removal, joint reshaping, medication injection, and pain or swelling relief. Arthroscopy is less invasive than open surgery; therefore, recovery time for the patients who have the procedure is typically about a week.
  • Open-joint surgery: This type of surgery is for severe TMJ disorders and involves an incision a few inches long over the joint so that the surgeon can operate on the joint. It will allow the surgeon to remove bony growths or excess tissue that stop the joint from moving, and/or fusion of joint tissue with cartilage and bone, or ankylosis. Open surgery also allows the doctor to repair or reposition the soft cartilage disk that acts as a cushion between the bones of the joint to allow for smooth movement. If the disk is beyond repair, the surgeon may replace it with an artificial disk or with the patient’s own tissue.

Patients may naturally fear open surgery if that is the method suggested by their doctor, as it does require a longer recovery period than an arthroscopic procedure, but the success rate is still very high.  A 2013 study found a 71 percent improvement in pain and a 61 percent improvement in range of motion.

Dental implants: People who are missing teeth now have an immediate option. Scientific advancements in oral surgery can provide patients with temporary but fully functional teeth from their first appointment, a procedure that is calledTeeth in a Day.

The dental implants are secured with titanium screws, and they heal with the bone tissue, replacing the missing tooth.

What can I Expect at My First Visit?

At the first visit to an oral surgeon, a patient can expect the following:

  • An initial consultation including an examination of the mouth, focusing on the problem area
  • A review of the patient’s medical history and any medicines the patient is currently taking
  • Patients will be asked to provide:
  • Photo ID
  • Copies of your medical and dental insurance cards
  • Referral from your general dentist
  • Insurance referral form
  • Recent X-rays

What Happens if I Need Surgery?

Sometimes surgery is the only way to solve a problem. If that is the case, there are a few steps patients need to take before surgery:

  • No food or drink for eight hours prior to surgery.
  • No tobacco 12 hours prior to surgery.
  • Come to surgery with a friend or relative who can stay at the office during the procedure and can drive home afterwards.
  • Do not drive a vehicle or operate any machinery for 24 hours after any surgery that involves anesthesia.
  • Wear loose fitting clothing for surgery, including sleeves that can be rolled up past the elbow.
  • Contact lenses, jewelry, and dentures need to be removed prior to surgery.
  • Check with your physician before taking prescriptions before the surgical date.

Mickleton Oral Surgeons at Lanzi Burke Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Perform a Variety of Surgical Procedures

Mickleton area residents with dental, jaw, or facial problems need oral and maxillofacial surgeons they can trust to help them feel their best again. The Mickleton oral surgeons at Lanzi Burke Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons are conveniently located and have decades of experience correcting the complicated problems of the mouth and face. Our surgeons and staff are here to answer all your questions and assist you through your procedure. Call us today at 856-582-4222 or contact us online to make an appointment or schedule a consultation. With offices in Washington Township, Haddonfield, and Woolwich Township, New Jersey, we are dedicated to helping patients throughout South Jersey.

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