When Should You See an Oral Surgeon for Facial Trauma?

South Jersey Oral Surgeons at Lanzi Burke Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Perform Orthognathic Surgery.

Maxillofacial injuries, or facial trauma, are injuries to the face, jaw, and mouth, and often result from car accidents, sports, or acts of violence. Facial trauma can be painful, lead to further complications, and frequently causes additional emotional trauma. Facial trauma can occur to any portion of the face, mouth, or jaw, and is somewhat common for a variety of reasons. Some of the more common facial traumas include: Orthognathic surgery, or jaw surgery, may be necessary in some cases.[…] Read More

What Surgical Procedures Can Relieve Chronic Jaw Pain?

jaw pain

Having constant jaw pain is a horrible thing to experience. No matter what you do, there is always a dull ache in your jaw. When you eat, it can hurt even more. In many cases, over-the-counter medication cannot help. In some cases, jaw surgery may be necessary. Chronic jaw pain and jaw surgery, known as orthognathic surgery, is more common than you may think. It can be a relatively simple procedure but relieves a significant amount of pain in the[…] Read More

How can Surgery Help a Bad Bite?

oral surgery bad bite

Some people are born with a misalignment of the jaw bones, also referred to as a bad bite or malocclusion.  Others have been in accidents that result in injury to the jaw. Out of position teeth can be corrected with braces.  However, a bad bite is due to a different problem that requires adjustments to jaw bones.  Surgery used to correct bad bite conditions, called orthognathic surgery, can be performed on the upper jaw, lower jaw, or both depending on[…] Read More

What is Orthognathic Surgery?

Orthognathic surgery is a blanket term used for a variety of jaw and facial surgeries. It corrects a range of minor and major jaw irregularities, helping patients chew, speak, and breathe better. Sometimes a patient’s appearance is also enhanced, especially the chin and lower jaw areas. Finally, a patient will experience better oral health overall after a needed surgery. Orthognathic surgery is complex. It involves moving the bones of the upper or lower jaw, or both. Jaws are lengthened or[…] Read More

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