How Do I Know if I Need Dental Implants?

Oral surgery offers solutions to many problems that can severely impact a person’s life. Over the years, scientific advancements have resulted in more available options. One of the best innovations has been the development of dental implants, as they can make a world of difference for people with broken or missing teeth. However, it can be hard to know exactly when implants are needed.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are an option for restorative dentistry that help patients with a variety of dental issues. Implants are a very popular solution because they offer a more natural feeling than partials or dentures. They are often recommended by dental professionals because of their adaptability and range of use. Dental implants have increased in popularity over recent years and have become much more common. To illustrate this fact, the American Academy of Implant Dentistry estimates that approximately three million people in the United States have dental implants today.

What are the Advantages of Dental Implants?

Dental implants offer solutions that dentures and partials do not. Implants are used in specific circumstances in which a person will benefit the most from them. The most notable difference is that implants are surgically placed, acting as a permanent replacement for real teeth. Additionally, they allow for great adaptability, making them an option for people who have structural deformities or disabilities that make dentures or partials more challenging. More so, implants offer a more permanent and low-maintenance solution.

What Should I Look for When Considering Dental Implants?

Dental implants are an excellent tool for restoration. The important thing is to know when they might be worth looking into. Signs to look for may include the following:

  • Loose dentures or partials: Poor fitting dentures or partials can be a daily challenge.
  • Missing teeth: Dental implants can fill in the gaps of any missing teeth.
  • Tooth infection: In a severe infection, a tooth may have to be extracted.
  • Loose bridge: Like loose dentures, a loose bridge can cause issues.
  • Difficulty with dentures: Challenges with denture adhesive can lead certain patients to choosing implants.
  • Regressed jaw: Without natural teeth, the jaw can become weak and fragile.
  • Difficulty chewing food: Eating can be a challenge due to missing or damaged teeth.
  • Feelings of insecurity about teeth or smile: Dental implants can help restore one’s confidence in their smile.

A qualified oral and maxillofacial surgeon can advise when implants may be the best option.

Lanzi Burke Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons Offer Available Resources for Haddonfield Dental Implants

If you recognize signs or symptoms and you may be interested in dental implants, Lanzi Burke Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons are here to help. Dental implants can be life changing. With office locations in Washington Township, Haddonfield, and Woolwich Township, our surgeons provide professional service throughout South Jersey. For more information on the services offered or to schedule a dental appointment, contact us online or call 856-582-4222 today.

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